Dog Waste Fine — Red Haus Condo Corporation — Newsletter

Red Haus Condo Corporation

Dog Waste Fine

More Joy & Light, Less Bah Humbug

my red roof, owner newsletter, resident newsletter, holiday 2022Clare McWilliams

My Red Roof | President’s Letter
The Return of Festive Cheer & Sparkle (Together)

Happy Holidays, neighbour!

In spite of the rush-here, rush-there nature of the season, we invite you to take a moment to find joy and a little sparkle in and around our community this month, beginning this week with our Holiday Open Haus. We’ve got lots of great reminders and information in this issue including revised holiday hours for the site office (provided below), some key “holiday housekeeping” items and we’ve outlined how bylaw offences work along with the most common infractions — definitely more joy, less bah humbug.

Holiday Open Haus, it’s backkkkkkk!
We’re happy to announce the return of Red Haus’ Holiday Open Haus. Hosted by your volunteer Board of Directors, residents are invited to pop in for some holiday cheer. Come put a name to a familiar face and meet your neighbours.

WHEN: Wednesday, December 7
WHERE: Club Haus lounge (second floor)
TIME: 6:30-8:30PM

Property Light Display. Though still a modest showing, we have expanded our on-site holiday lights this year for some extra sparkle. The bulbs used are LED to be environmentally conscience and mindful of energy costs. We hope you enjoy them from December 1 - January 15.

Halloween Party Fun. Our first-ever Halloween celebration at Red Haus was a huge success! I’d like to thank Lynn and Mike Roberts for organizing the children’s trick-or-treat stop at the Club Haus, Kathy Polivchuk for her help, and to everyone who contributed candy. Over 30 families attended — and two families, new comers to Canada, were experiencing Halloween for the first time! Truly magical.

Condo-Happy Dog Training Debrief. We were thrilled to have 15 dog owners join us for an informative evening with Crystal Hincks of Ground Work Dog Training. Feedback was very positive. She provided us with skills to help our dogs bark less, be more confident and generally display better manners in common areas — win, win.

I wish you a safe and festive holiday season with friends and family. May the next year bring abundance and (more) joy.

Merry Christmas, everyone.

— Don McKenzie | President, Red Haus Board of Directors

OnSite Office Holiday Hours
Revised Office Hours for your Onsite Maintenance Supervisor

8:30AM - 12:30PM
December 23, 30

December 24, 25, 26, 30
January 1, 2, 6

Holiday Housekeeping
The holidays are celebrated in wonderfully different ways. At Red Haus, we honour and respect all traditions and cultural diversity while also needing to balance our bylaws. We appreciate your reciprocity.

Patio Holiday Lights

Christmas lights may be strung from patio railings from December 1- January 15. As patios are common property, Corporation bylaws do apply.

Strung lights on your patio are not permitted outside of these dates or remain on your railing throughout the year.

Real Trees Aren’t Permitted

Real Christmas trees are prohibited at Red Haus due to serious fire hazard — fires are all the more dangerous in a multi-residential complex. For those who fail to comply, know that fines are aggressively enforced (starting at $250). Like following bread crumbs, we follow the video footage as well as sap stains and pine needles — which result in costly damage to common areas — clean-up costs for which will also be charged to your unit.

Please report infractions you may witness to the Property Management company HERE.

Wreaths Face Your Suite

Holiday wreaths may be hung on the INSIDE of your front door only — they may not be OUTSIDE/hallway-facing.

This bylaw exists for three main reasons: to maintain uniformity of the building, to prohibit flammable or toxic materials (that can obstruct resident access during a fire evacuation), and suite doors are common property, so Corporation bylaws do apply.

Party Season & Festive Noise

Gathering with friends and loved ones is what makes the holiday season so wonderful. We also know that with larger gatherings (and liquid merriment), noise levels tend to rise. As such, we ask that you be extra mindful of music and guest volume. Unlike city bylaws that restrict persistent or “nuisance noise” from 10PM-7AM Monday - Saturday and 10PM- 9AM on Sundays and Holidays, “reasonable noise levels” are enforced 24/7 at Red Haus.

Pending the severity and length of the disturbance, residents must submit a noise complaint through Condo Control if you would like it formally addressed by the Property Manager. Include the disturbance date, duration and noise characteristics. In addition, if late-night partying or a domestic disturbance occurs, call 911.

As an alternative, the Club Haus provides an ideal space for parties, where noise levels are more contained. Check Club Haus availability on Condo Control and consider booking the space for your holiday party or gathering!

Holiday Visitor Parking Passes

Visitor parking passes are issued through the Online Concierge service, Condo Control. The Site Office (in the Club Haus) is no longer issuing passes for residents.

Visitors are to have a printed pass clearly visible on their dash board. There is a 12-night per month limit per visitor.

Can’t log into Condo Control? Email or call the the Property Manager for access details. Contact details are HERE.

Bylaw Infraction Fining Process

Before a fine is issued, a warning sanction is first provided to the unit owner with a timeline for correction. If the bylaw violation isn’t corrected by the timeline provided, a fine of $250 will be levied. If the tenant of the unit owner is allegedly in violation, sanctions will also be served to the tenant and said sanction will specify if the owner, tenant or both are liable for payment of the monetary sanction.

Second-time offences receive a monetary sanction of $250 without warning. This will also include a timeline for correction. If the violation isn’t corrected by the timeline provided, an additional escalated fine of $500 will be levied.

With each additional violation and disregard of the timeline offered, the amount of the levied fine will escalate by $250 per occurrence.

Red Haus will repair any damages caused by a resident or their pets to common property and charge all costs back to the responsible unit owner. Multiple occurrences will also result in monetary sanctions starting at $250.

Most Common Holiday Bylaw Infractions


Hallways. Elevators. Lobbies. Doorways. Entrances. Dog pee and poop is left behind by pet owners D-A-I-L-Y.

During colder months, some dog owners are less timely in taking their furry friends outside. As a result, more accidents occur.

Dog owners are also observed opening exits for their pets without going outside themselves, and allowing their pet to soil doorways.

With FIVE poop bag dispensers throughout the property, there’s simply no reason for failing to pick-up after your dog. And with 1,000+ pairs of eyes potentially watching, you will be reported, eventually. Violations can be reported as an Incident Request through Condo Control.

Dog owners, thank you for managing your pet responsibly:

- Take your dog outside frequently
- Puppies, ill-trained or incontinent dogs should be carried
- Lead or carry your dog 20 feet away from the exit
- Indoor accidents are the pet owner’s responsibility
- Outdoor waste is the pet owner’s responsibly
- Infractions will result in a $250 fine per occurrence
- Unregistered pets will result in fines starting at $250

Every Vehicle Must Fob into Parkade, Even in the Cold

For security purposes, each vehicle entering the parkade is required to stop — and fob. Following the vehicle in front of you into the parkade is illegal.

Unlike standard bylaw infractions, this offence receives a $75 monetary sanction per occurrence.

If a vehicle “piggy-backs” into the parkade after you, kindly pull over after entering the parkade and let them pass then:

1. Take a picture of their licence plate (or write it down)
2. Note date and time
3. Submit an Incident Request through Condo Control

Reporting Unhoused Trespassers

For security and safety for everybody involved, should you come across a vulnerable person seeking warmth and shelter on Red Haus property, please do not call the Property Manager or after-hours emergency line. Instead, we ask that you call the City of Calgary’s Downtown Outreach Additions Program, which travels anywhere in the city and offers shelter amongst many other services.

DOAP Outreach Line (24/7): 403 998 7388.